Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 Level 1

Course Description

Create and Manage Presentations
  • Create a presentation
    • Create blank presentations, create presentations using templates, import text files into presentations, import Word document outlines into presentations
  • Format a presentation using slide masters
    • Apply a slide master, add new layouts, modify existing layouts, add background images, control page numbers, insert headers and footers, modify presentation themes
  • Customize presentation options and views
    • Change page setup options, change to view in color/grayscale, use views to navigate through presentations, modify presentation properties
  • Configure presentations to print or save
    • Set handout print options, print selections from presentations, package presentations for CD, save presentations as webpages, print presentations in grayscale, print speaker notes, maintain backward compatibility
  • Configure and present slideshows
    • Create custom slideshows, configure slideshow options, rehearse timing, configure slideshow resolution, use Presenter View, navigate within slideshows, annotate slideshows
Insert and Format Shapes and Slides
  • Insert and format slides
    • Add slide layouts, duplicate existing slides, hide slides, delete slides, modify slide backgrounds, apply styles to slides
  • Insert and format shapes
    • Modify shape backgrounds, apply borders to shapes, resize shapes, insert shapes, create custom shapes, apply styles to shapes
  • Order and group shapes and slides
    • Insert section headers, modify slide order, align and group shapes, display gridlines
Create Slide Content
  • Insert and format text
    • Change text to WordArt, create multiple columns in a single shape, insert hyperlinks, apply formatting and styles to text, create bulleted and numbered lists
  • Insert and format tables
    • Create new tables, modify number of rows and columns, apply table styles, import tables from external sources
  • Insert and format charts
    • Create and modify chart styles, insert charts, modify chart type, add legends to charts, modify chart parameters, import charts from external sources
  • Insert and format SmartArt
    • Add shapes to SmartArt, change color of SmartArt, move text within SmartArt shapes, reverse direction, convert lists to SmartArt
  • Insert and format images
    • Resize images, crop images, apply effects, apply styles
  • Insert and format media
    • Adjust media window size, trim timing on media clips, set start/stop times, set media options, link to external media
Apply Transitions and Animations
  • Apply transitions between slides
    • Insert transitions between slides, manage multiple transitions, modify transition effect options
  • Animate slide content
    • Apply animations to shapes, apply animations to text strings, add paths to animations, modify animation options
  • Set timing for transitions and animations
    • Modify duration of effects, configure start and finish options, reorder animations, use the Animation pane
Manage Multiple Presentations
  • Merge content from multiple presentations
    • Merge multiple presentations, reuse slides from other presentations, view multiple presentations
  • Track changes and resolve differences
    • Set track changes, modify options for track changes, discard changes from specific users, manage comments
  • Protect and share presentations
    • Encrypt presentations with a password, proof presentations, mark as final, compress media, embed fonts, restrict permissions, remove presentation metadata, check for accessibility issues, check for compatibility issues